It didn't sink in right away ...
It still feels unreal ...
It's funny! I've always wondered how the world will react when this day comes! We've seen how famous loved ones have affected people all around the world, such as the deaths of JFK, Elvis Presley, & from our world, AbdulHaleem, Om Kalthum, & locally, our loved leaders such Baba Jaber & Baba Sa'ad, God have mercy on their souls ...
But since people my age didn't really experience that extraordinary fascination & sometimes more-like-worship kind of love for a celebrity, I always wondered how will it go ...
But not in a million years have I expected what I'm feeling right now to ever happen to me!
First of all, I'm not a fan of his!!!!!!!!! So, why do I care then, right??
Honestly, sometimes I wonder why I do care??
But over the past few months, & due to a newly grown curiosity towards this person, whom I knew nearly nothing about except that he makes music & is acclaimed to be the most famous person in the world (ok, so what? who cares?) & really couldn't grasp why he was loved that much, but that didn't concern me really, there are so many stars who are loved very much, so it's not really strange .. but what got me interested & curious was that I wanted to set things straight about all the rumors I've heard ... was he really charged of those acts? Did he really do it? What exactly happened. But the most rumor I so wanted to set straight, was whether he really converted to Islam ...
Before I knew it, I was sucked into a world of fascination ...
I never knew his songs that I loved were so personal ... & that he wrote/co-wrote almost all them! To me that's highly appreciated of any performing artist ...
Listening to 'They Don't Care About Us', 'Scream', 'Leave Me Alone' & the like, gave a whole new meaning to the songs ... it's as if I'm listening to them for the first time ... really listening...
But then as I saw a number of interviews, some past interviews that I've seen years ago but didn't really cared to much about, have a new meaning to me ...
& somehow, I started to get to see something inside that face of his ...
& with the time, I didn't even get see his face anymore ... I just look right into his soul.
That's what got me...
His soul...
Ever since, I started praying for that man. To be freed from all that pain...
His life was soo unbearable! Trust me, nobody would wanna trade with him, if they could!
To live a life with constant pressure like this ... since early childhood...
& not only that, to be abused, threatened ...
With all the good in him, he was also contradictory in many ways ...
To Be Continued...